10 Crypto Marketing and PR Strategies that willl Work in 2023

Semih Yiğit
3 min readMar 4, 2023

The cryptocurrency market continues to change and become more competitive nowadays. In such an environment, crypto projects have to develop strong marketing strategies and engage more actively with the community to stay ahead. As blockchain technology and digital assets continue to grow, crypto projects have many opportunities to develop their brands, reach potential investors and build a community. In this article, we examine some potential crypto marketing strategies that will work in 2023.

1- Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is becoming every day a popular way for businesses to reach their target community on social media platforms like Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube. Partnering with a crypto influencer with a large following can be an invaluable way to increase brand awareness and increase user engagement. These influencers can promote your crypto rpoject to potential investors or your target communities.

2- Community Buildings

Building a strong community around your crypto project is perhaps the most important marketing strategy in this industry. You can target and inform your target group by creating a discord or telegram channel, hosting an event, or starting a social media campaign on Twitter. This can lead to a more loyal community base and word of mouth. Building a loyal community takes time, but it’s one of the most effective choises to promote your project.

3- Content Marketing

Creating informative and engaging content, such as blog posts, demonstrates the strengths of your crypto project. This content can be shared on social media channels, Telegram and Discord channels or social channels to gain more visibility. Content marketing is an effective way to promote your project and build credibility by helping to build trust among potential investors and users.

4- Public Relations

Building relationships with journalists and media outlets can increase your brand awareness.. This could include creating a press release, presenting to a reporter, or hosting an event to get media attention. By using PR to promote your cryptocurrency project, you can reach a wider community and arouse interest in your project.

5- Partnership Marketing

Partnering with other crypto projects or companies aligned with your values and goals can provide cross-promotion and increased visibility. This may include co-marketing campaigns, project collaborations or co-hosted events. By partnering with other projects in the crypto space, you can leverage their audience to promote your own projects.


Educating the general public and policy makers about the utilities of blockchain and cryptocurrency can help increase awareness and recognition of the technology. Advocating the use of blockchain in certain industries, in conjunction with finance or supply chain, can also help build credibility and drive adoption. By becoming an opinion leader within the field, you can use your logo as a pioneer in the crypto industry.

7- Networking on LinkedIn

Networking is vital in any organization. When searching for relationships LinkedIn may be the good method. In fact, you can reach out influencers on LinkedIn or your members can use actively LinkedIn by sharing their succes or unsuccess. Unlike Facebook and many extra platforms, LinkedIn users are conscious and you can contact directly your target people.

8. Airdrops

As you know, airdrops always attract attention. Also, airdrops are extremely popular with traders and are an extremely good way to get people curious about the venture. Needless to say, the more tokens you provide, the greater the probability that your network will evolve from scratch.

9- Facebook and Instagram Ads

As any marketer will tell you, Facebook and Instagram ads are cheap. You can reach out your target people in crypto or in the other endustries by creating quality videos and posts


Podcasts are becoming popular for good reason. For the project, this is a good opportunity to reach more people and educate the audience on the characteristics of the project. Just talk about your project and continue to educate people by using current news.

In conclusion, the fulfillment of your crypto marketing techniques will depend on the quality of your product or service, your target community, and today’s modern market conditions. That’s why it’s so important to review and adjust your techniques frequently to make sure they continue to be effective. By using a combination of techniques outlined in this article, you can increase the visibility of your project and appeal to new community members and traders on your project



Semih Yiğit

Hey there, I'm young web3 marketer and here, writing about web3 and digital marketing, blockchain and cryptocurrencies.